Monday, May 4, 2009

I Have Now Discovered ...

... Just how weird I am. I spent a few hours last night playing Quarters with my sister/partner-in-crime, E-Rocka.
Do you know how to play Quarters? Well, for one thing it's a drinking game. You're supposed to bounce a quarter on the table, trying to get in into a cup, and if you get it in, you get to make the other person drink. Simple.
We weren't drinking, we were just bored, but for CRYING OUT LOUD it is the hardest thing to do!! You have to bounce the quarter in a specific way, just so, or else it will go flying off in a direction you didn't foresee. An easier game might be Russian Roulette.
Er ... or not ...

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Is today REALLY the end of BEDA?
I know one thing: I might not stop blogging. Well, certainly I won't be doing it every day, but I don't think I'll totally stop. It's too much fun telling the whole world what I ate for breakfast.

Which was Jell-O and Saltines, if you're wondering.

Anyway, 'tis the last day of BEDA. Which I already covered, but deserves saying again.
For some reason, I thought I'd feel different at the end ... like maybe I'd be in Paris or London wearing a scarf and smoking those really long cigarettes. I'm not sure WHY I thought this, but my imagination runs away with me flapping in the wind behind it most of the time.

OH! And you should try to find me on Twitter. Just type in my name, I'm pretty sure I'll come up. Right? Right.

I'm actually supposed to be leaving in a minute, so I can't make this long [but then again when are my blogs EVER long?].

AAH I was supposed to be out there a minute ago! Haha have to go!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weird Obsessions

Today, let's talk about my friends and their Weird Obsessions. You know ... stuff that, when you talk about it, makes people give you really weird looks.
Now, I think it's good for you to have obsessions. Really. How else will you get excited about anything? If someone ffers you ice cream, you say "Yea, sure why not?"
But if you were OBSESSED with aforementioned ice cream, you would freak out in a major way. Right? Right.

Now, my sister, E-Rocka - she's obsessed with guys. Yes, guys. It's weird, funny, and sometimes annoying. She thinks EVERYONE is "cute". And assumes they are single, most of the time ...

Mard's Weird Obsession[s] are folk music and health food. Since she's from the South, folk music isn't that much of a shock, but I mean, REALLY.

My good pal Bet [who is one of the WEIRDEST PEOPLE I know] is obsessed with Les Miserables, death, and literature. She rants. A lot.

Lex loves music [My Chemical Romance, Van Halen, etc], photography, and sex. Which is definitely odd.

And finally BUT MOST IMPORTANT! are MY obessions. Which are That 70's Show, writing [and reading], and altering my clothes. I take sewing supplies, fabric paint, old hoodies, skirts, leggings etc and transform them into eye-catching things of AWESOMENESS. If I do say so myself.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Even though my blog has been an EPIC FAIL every-day-wise, I am back in black and really really hot right now. It is 91 degrees and awesome.

So I just got back from a weekend retreat somewhere I can't name. I went with Lex, XCore, Boyo and Blondie. It was fun. Lots O' fun. Very very fun. Did I mention it was fun?
Well, it was fun.

Let's seeeee ... highlights of my weekend:
I dove into a tubing rut to save my camera and landed in ankle-deep mud, wearing my zebra-print flats. They were the only shoes I'd brought for the weekend. I didn't sleep on Friday night, unless you count the hour-long cat nap. Saturday was spent hanging out with my friends, just talking and laughing and XCore wouldn't put his guitar down. Saturday night was us on the dock, asking each other if we wanted to do it. Basically, you sidle up to someone, grab them around them waist, and say in a low voice "Ya wanna do it?"
I don't really know WHY we were doing that, we just did ...
Sunday was another day of hanging out and talking, but the funniest thing that happened was this random kid comes up to Boyo and asks for his bottle cap from his Vanilla Coke.

Now, I really don't know how he got up the nerve to actually approach us in the first place. Boyo is about 220 lbs, wears all black, has a legit beard, and - at the time - had bright yellow spikes through his earlobes. Since I am only a five-foot-three blond girl wearing ballet flats, I'm not so threatening.

But I digress.

Boyo stared at the Random Kid for a second, then said "Tell me why and maybe I'll give it to you."
Random Kid: "I do, it's for points."
Boyo: *stares at kid then slowly hands over the cap*
Random kid walks away.
Boyo: "Who over twelve does that? Now I want to ask him something really random."
So what does he do? He goes up to the kid and asks to borrow his shorts.

Why do I hang out with these people??

The kid just gave him a really weird look and walked away quickly. We laughed for about ten minutes after that.


Me and Lex ------->

Thursday, April 23, 2009

ARG Says I!!

I don't feel like blogging today cos a guy I knew from YG just died from NF and he was only EIGHTEEN.
But on the bright side of the egg, I finally got the hang of Blogger and found my BEDA partner people! HUZZAH, I'M NOT AN IDIOT AFTER ALL! :D

I really have no idea what to blog about now ...
Oh! I'm going to be away this weekend with my friends Creepy Ben and Lex. We're going camping ... in a good camp and not limp tents wearing war paint, or whatever you were just imagining.
Er ... US wearing war paint, not the tents. I'm getting a little off-track here.

THE POINT IS: I'm going to be on a bus tomorrow with no iPod with just my idiot friends and my own mind to entertain me. There is a possibility I will die.

I will not, repeat NOT be blogging Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I will feel like a failure, yes, but I WILL SURVIVE.

Or will I ... ?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Puddle Stomping And Fake Beards

Last night it POURED rain outside.
Naturally, I decided to do what any sane, mature person would do in a situation like that.
I WENT PUDDLE-STOMPING! Suiting up in sweats, hoodie, and flipflops, I went out with my little sister and brother to stomp in puddles. We got very wet, understandibly. Then my older sister met us in the parking lot we were stomping round in and she walked home with us. We walked single file down the street, singing "Dive" by Steven Curtis Chapman at the top of our lungs and spinning in the pouring rain.

If that isn't enough evidence of my maturity, this'll do it for you.
Today, sitting on my bed, I decided to cut out a piece of paper in the shape of a beard and mustache [raise your hand if you know what's coming next!]. I stuck them on my face with bits of tape, and voila! General Custer!
The funniest thing about all this is the fact that I walked round the house for an hour and a half before anybody noticed I had grown a good amount of 'hair'.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is going to be a SCARY post! BE AFRAIIID!!

I don't care who knows: I LOVE GHOSTS! Or anything paranormal or supernatural or whatever. They are amusing to the max.

Of course, when I was browsing ghost photos earlier, the phone rang RIGHT NEXT TO MY HEAD and I jumped a mile.

NOTE TO SELF: Place phone strategically next time you're scaring yourself.

Also ... why am I listening to boy bands? I dislike boy bands. They can't sing. And yet I'm listening to them.

... My God, I am STILL listening to them. Are boy bands going to take over the world? They might. Take the Jonas Brothers. Those things [they might not be people ...] have taken over America, at least.

See? I told you this post would be scary.